OnePlus has announced the sale of its latest flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 12, in India starting today. The phone is available in two variants - 12GB RAM and 256GB storage priced at ₹65,000, and 16GB RAM and 512GB storage priced at ₹70,000. Customers can avail of various offers, including a ₹2,000 discount on ICICI/OneCard, up to ₹10,000 exchange bonus, 50% off on protection plan, and a ₹3,000 coupon for the OnePlus Pad.Customers can also avail of additional discounts and offers through the OnePlus website, including ₹1,000 off through the RCC program, discounts on cases, and 639 red coins. The OnePlus 12 is expected to be a popular choice among smartphone enthusiasts, and the company is offering a range of incentives to attract customers.The OnePlus 12 comes with a host of features, including a 6.7-inch AMOLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor, and a 50-megapixel primary camera. The phone also supports 5G connectivity and comes with a 4,500mAh battery with fast charging support.In conclusion, the launch of the OnePlus 12 in India is a significant development for smartphone enthusiasts, and the company is offering a range of incentives to attract customers. The phone comes with a host of features and is expected to be a popular choice among consumers. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become : oneplus 12/256gb
- rishujindal317