The Authorization Directorate (ED) has, for the fourth time, gave request to Boss Pastor Arvind Kejriwal for addressing in the Delhi extract strategy connected tax evasion case, as per official sources on Saturday. Kejriwal, likewise the public convener of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), has been coordinated to show up before the organization at its base camp in Delhi on January 18, 2024. According to AAP sources, Kejriwal is scheduled to be in Goa from January 18 to 20 for a three-day visit to evaluate his party's arrangements for the impending Lok Sabha races. The 55-year-old pioneer had declined to show up before the ED for the third time on January 3, attesting that the office's "non-exposure and non-reaction approach" couldn't stand the trial of regulation, value, or equity. He battled that the organization's "persistence" added up to expecting the jobs of judge, jury, and killer. Beforehand, the main pastor had been called on November 2 and December 21, 2023. In a new notification, the ED has by and by excused Kejriwal's contention that the request were "not in consonance with the law" and in this manner ought to be removed. The office keeps up with that the summonses were given "well inside the PMLA strategies and regulation," as indicated by sources. Kejriwal's name has highlighted on numerous occasions in the charge sheets documented by the ED for the situation. The organization guarantees that the charged were in touch with him in regards to the planning of the now-deserted Delhi Extract Strategy 2021-22. The ED is expected to present another strengthening charge sheet, potentially embroiling the AAP as a "recipient" of supposed payoffs created through the extract strategy. The case includes claims that the Delhi government's extract strategy for 2021-22, giving licenses to alcohol merchants, worked with cartelization and inclined toward explicit sellers who purportedly offered incentives. This claim has been reliably denied by the AAP. In this manner, the strategy was rejected, and Delhi Lieutenant Lead representative V K Saxena suggested a CBI test, prompting the ED enrolling a case under the Counteraction of Tax evasion Act (PMLA).
- rishujindal317