Union Minister and BJP leader Shantanu Thakur has claimed that the Citizenship (Amendment) Act will be implemented across India within the next seven days, He made this statement while speaking at a gathering in West Bengal's South 24 Parganas.
Union Minister Shantanu Thakur has claimed that the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) would be implemented across India within the next seven days."I can guarantee that in the next seven days, not just in West Bengal, but the CAA will be implemented across India," Thakur said in Bengali while addressing a public gathering in Kakdwip in South 24 Parganas in Bengal. In a recent announcement, the Union Minister ensured that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) would be implemented across India in just 7 days. This has sparked widespread discussions and debates across the nation as people are eager to understand the implications of this decision. The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) has been a topic of intense debate and controversy since it was first introduced. The Act aims to provide citizenship to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. Critics argue that it is discriminatory and violates the secular nature of the Indian constitution, while supporters believe it provides a lifeline to those facing persecution.